Professor_Cord Bowen
Description_Find a way to use a light source to enhance or somehow alter a space inside the architecture building.

The intention behind this project is to use a laser beam in order to show how space is such an important and powerful part of architecture. Just like the laser beam is light amplified by stimulated emissions of radiation, architecture is simply space amplified by the walls and ceilings used to enclose it.

In order to show this there have been four mirrors set up on different levels of the school's atrium, all positioned so that the laser pointer will reflect from one mirror to another until it returns to the place it started.

The movement of the laser and the random positioning of the mirrors is meant to demonstrate how the atrium area of the school allows anyone to look out and see what is going on almost anywhere else in the school.

Because of this interaction between different levels the empty space in th middle of the building, where nothing was ever actually constructed or built, becomes the most interesting and inspiring part of the whole school. There are too many times when we get so caught up in designing walls and doors and windows that we forget that people inside the building will not use the walls for anything other than a barrier between two spaces, and that the space created by these walls is what people will actually be experiencing, whether they realize it or not.